At our Living History Museum, each student researched a famous Arizonan and created a characterization of this person! They wrote a report, made a poster, and were prepared to answer questions about their figure in Arizona's history!
I was so impressed with the way the students worked on this and answered questions the day of the "living museum"!
I really feel all of their Discovery Speech practice over the course of the year helped to make them more at ease in front of an "audience"!
Our Door...

Poster Sample...

Our Visitors...

Is that Jan Brewer back near the whiteboard glancing at us???

Talking with Ira Hayes...

It's John Wesley Powell!

Hello, Coronado!

Fray Marcos de Niza joined us...

Hi, Judge Sandra Day O' Connor!
Rose Mofford prepping for the opening...Do you see the bee in her hair? hehehe

Father Kino was sure entertaining!

Cabeza de Vaca joined us as well!

Lori Piestewa with Sandra, Ira Hayes, and Father Kino

Kit Carson brought some pelts...

It's Geronimo and Sharlot Hall!

Frances Willard Munds encouraging all women to fight for the right to vote!

I LOVED Rose's hairdo...What a lady!!!

Cabeza answering questions...

Cesar Chavez and Powell (poor guy lost one of his arms) greet each other!

Janet Napolitano greeted everyone as they walked into the museum!

Barry Goldwater sat with John McCain and Sandra Day O'Connor!
Thanks to all the kids (and parents) for putting your ALL into this project!!!