Our red soft drinks were PERFECT for a dilution experiment!

Boxes of candy hearts lent well to an estimating and graphing activity.

We also had fun making up sentences using the words on the candy hearts!

We were all smiles as we played the game "Prominent Pairs"! Kids were each assigned 1/2 of a famous pair. However, they did not know WHO they were! We taped the "person" on their back! Everyone had to ask others yes or no questions about who was on their back until they thought they knew who they were...and then find their partner! The winners were the 1st pair to figure it out! Examples of pairs were Michelle and Barack Obama, Jack & Jill, Minnie and Mickey Mouse, Beauty and the Beast, Romeo and Juliet, Kermit and Miss Piggy, etc. etc. etc. It was fun and a total BLAST!